Sunday, April 24, 2011

easter day

Yesterday went to look at a kit home that lou and allen both really like its light airy and beautiful.. now they just need some land!Loads of windows heaps of room etc.. then went to midvalley i got patti pans for cupcakes of course.. had a coffee there and came home. Im still reading no1 ladies detective book am about 3/4 of the way through.

Got home. Had dinner. Went to bed at about 10:30pmish. So woke up at about 6am to the alarm going off for mum to get up and go place easter eggs around my cousins house for their children.. the even made bunny prints! out of talc powder.

I went back to sleep woke up at 8amish a more decent time. I had toast with some homemade blackberry jam.. and a coffee. I didnt have to make anything today.. mum did all the cooking today... though she did wake up at 11:30am after a bit of a snooze when she returned from easter bunny duties we had hot cross buns, lamb roast with potatoes peas and carrots. I have eaten enough chocolate to sink a battle ship.. and I feel a lil ill what pushed me over the edge a bit was the huge latte just before dinner.. ergh.

We all almost fell asleep after in the house in the lounge. Quite amusing really. Then a few hours after my tummy had recovered i had hot cup of hurro purro (raspberry leaf green tea) (absolutely divine) i cu a lil piece of the lime new york cheesecake and had that with it... so right now im full again.. a fair effort.

Anyhow I conned lou into making my birthday cake! Either that or I was going to make red velvet cupcakes. As I have all the ingredients.. but it hink Ill make them another day... plus i got all the goods to make these chocolate brownies with fantails. I shall make them another day. As long as I don't open the packet!

Welpers my guess is that I shall sleep well tonight. I hope! Tomorrow Im going out for lunch to the pub just 11 of us. Im wearing an old ring today that i found in a shop that I sooooooloved called old hat.. i think it shut down years ago now or moved.. but i used to buy a lot from them. Ive been inspired to do some crazy things on canvas too... I will start that tuesday.

Take care out there

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