Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On the cold side...

Its absolutely freezing in this house. I have one heater going the other small one has kind of broken down. Makes too much noise.. and doesn't sound healthy. Aftera few hot teas, and thawing out from being outside painting, (i started the owls on one good canvas and the other a mock up) there is soup bubbling away on the stove.. potato and leek. So now I am here. I have a few house things to do tomorrow.

The soup i've bungled. When I have mine i'm going to add some curry powder or something. Tis a lil n the bland side. In my gem of a cookbook found a proper recipe for red velvet cake... so I am going to try again for my aunties birthday next week. I discovered thats its 4 tablespoons of red food colouring not 4 teaspoons... and certainly not 4 CUPS of bloody cocoa either! Although is it wise to give kids red food dye at night?

I think the pinky red owl painting is coming along nicely.. have to wait for it to dry, plus pick up a few nice new small incy bitty brushes for the finer bits. I will work for about half an hour at a time. Its all my frozen toesies and fingies can take. I so wish for even a tiny studio of my own. I loved painting when I was living in richmond.. had a studio to work in. Although looking at renting in the city now would be a nightmare, too expensive and could probably just get by on lentils and rice... not such a bad plan if i wanted to be slimmer. Id probably be going out alot more too. However, running to the city is not going to solve all my problems.

I have to work on myself. I know that. All the lectures from mum, perhaps there is a glimmer there somewhere in my life. Im not old but im not young anymore... not far off being middle aged...."Stuck in a moment and you can't get out of it" (u2 song) Oh im taking up a pro account on flickr... means I'll be able to post more photos up, and besides its only $25 a year which is nearly next to nothing.

I gots to go now...

scatty like a catty

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