Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Blog

Well its about time i started writing again, after just about a year of point form. I suppose i shut myself off from everything, friends especially. I am sorry that I did that. However I am going to be less of a hermit, i have decided. So in a year of just existing and not living I read a lot, drew my way through winter.. and have increased my folio.I have some plans for this year, I hope they don't all go out the window.

I hate the vicious cycle of depression, it strikes me at times... and I try to eat my way through it.. that is NOT a good thing by no means. Turning to food for comfort, I love to cook and bake. I now have quite a herb garden, that looks like its on steroids, I am going to pot up herbs for everyone.. I have enough to share that's for bleedin sure. Even the potted ones look stunning but are very over-crowded.

I have been experimenting with tomatoes (as we have had a bumper crop this year ... too many) I made a chutney with them on friday, it turned out more like a jam and a lil on the tart side of vinegar with a little kick. So sometime today i am making relish. Well. I must get going, onions to chop, tomatoes to dice, ginger to grate, fresh chilies to pick from the garden.